
Three-Year Postdoctoral Position in Chemical Ecology of Plant-Insect Interactions

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INRAE (National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment), Rennes, France

. This postdoctoral position is to take part in the ERC-funded ALTEREVO project (2023-2027) coordinated by Dr Jean-Christophe Simon, which aims at identifying the evolutionary and molecular determinants of host-plant alternation in aphids. For more details on the project: https://www.inrae.fr/en/news/erc-grant-better-understandplant-insect-interactions.

Research environment. The research will be performed in JC Simon’s team at INRAE IGEPP, in Le Rheu nearby Rennes, Brittany, France (https://www6.rennes.inrae.fr/igepp_eng/). IGEPP is a joint research unit from three institutional bodies (INRAE, University of Rennes and Institut Agro). It offers excellent infrastructures to carry out molecular and biological experiments on plants and insects, including high performance climatic chambers, confined laboratories to work on genetically modified or quarantine organisms, up-to-date molecular biology labs and equipment and a metabolomic platform (P2M2).

Research objectives of the position. Under the supervision of JC Simon, within an ambitious project involving other permanent and ERC-funded staff, the postdoc will be in charge of identifying the plant cues that trigger host alternation in aphids. The applicant will collect plant sap with different techniques including stylectomy, perform metabolic analysis of plant samples using the P2M2 platform, test plant candidate compounds in aphid feeding assays, and characterize plant volatiles and aphid responses (using olfactometry and EAG techniques). The postdoc will benefit from scientific support from partners with expertise in plant physiology and metabolomics, and chemical ecology of plant-insect interactions. He/she will also receive technical and methodological support for conducting experiments.

Expected skills. the applicant should hold a PhD in the field of chemical ecology and an ability to conduct a research project in autonomy while being able to collaborate within a team. Skills and knowledge in plant physiology and metabolomics are crucial for the project. Experience in chemical ecology of plant-insect interactions is appreciated. Excellent skills in writing and communicating in English.

Duration and salary. This 3-year (full-time) position will ideally start in January-February 2023. Gross salary 55,000 euros (before taxes and social/healthcare payments, since health insurance and social advantages will be included), i.e. a net salary of ca. 2,500 euros per month.

How to apply. Please send a motivation letter, indicating the names and email addresses of two references, and a 2-page max curriculum vitae including a list of publications to jean-christophe.simon@inrae.fr by November 30th. Preselected applicants will be interviewed through Zoom or an equivalent video-conference system in December 2022. Call for applications is open until the position is filled.

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Projekt współfinansowany ze środków Unii Europejskiej w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego" POWR.03.05.0-00-00-Z014/18